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    Author: angn trade Genre:

    Still makes me want to slip on my invisible cloak and dig myself a deep digital hole.

    And maybe you can relate.

    Because in my mind, there’s no question more anxiety provoking for an online business owner in their first few years than this one.

    It’s a question that can make you feel like a total fraud.
    (or in my case, a flat out failure).
    And I still remember the first time I got asked it.
    It was almost a year after I left my job as the head of content for Tony Robbins to go off and do this whole “online business thing”. 

    And despite coming from such a great “traditional” background… one which people always seemed impressed by, I was a total amateur at online marketing. 

    And my list of just 600 subscribers (mostly concerned friends and family) confirmed it. 

    Even the few people I DID have on my list were unengaged at best and freebie seekers. 

    Swiping my free report then disappearing before I even had a chance to say “hello”. 

    But the most painful part about it wasn’t the fact that I was spending long nights working my butt off with no results to show for it… 

    It was that my number of subscribers (or lack thereof) served as a such a constant, clear-cut indicator of my failed efforts

    It was like a calling card for my failure.
    But even still....

    I’m grateful people asked it.

    Grateful that people are asking it to YOU.

    Because that single question… and the ACTIONS you take to finally be able to answer it with unshakable confidence, holds the key to your flourishing online business.