Start Training with a REAL Pro NOW to Learn How to Make Money Online as an Affiliate Marketer / Blogger!
Practicing what I Teach – Unlike some affiliate marketing “coaches”, I STILL make the BULK of my income as a Super Affiliate / Blogger. You will learn as I share my ongoing experiences!
Hi! My name is Rosalind Gardner, and I’m known by my colleagues and students as the ‘Queen of Affiliate Marketing‘.
As a Super Affiliate, I’ve made a great living online since 1998.
In 2003, I wrote what is now known as the ‘bible’ of affiliate marketing.
Since then, TENS of THOUSANDS of people have learned how to make money online through my books, blogs, conference appearances and consulting practice.
Almost every famous super-successful affiliate marketer got their start from my book and That THRILLS me.
My First REAL PaydayYup… in comes a check for $134.19Blogging is so much easier.Member –Marie S.
“One thing that mostreally successful affiliates do is help their visitors make buying decisions by telling them which products are best and why.
A perfect example is Rosalind Gardner, who earns $30,000 to 50,000a month in affiliate commissions…”Allan Gardyne –
…this course is awesome, you will find yourself working all of a suddenMonja W.ABP Member
One of the few internet marketers that truly practices what she preaches and has helped me achieve the online success I enjoy today.Jason Pelham
Rosalind’s down to earth style and practical advice got me hooked on internet marketing through affiliate marketing, and I`ll always be thankful for it.Peter KoningAffiliate Software Expert
Can you say triple threat? Brilliant, professional and a great sense of humor to top it all off.Chris ReynoldsInternet Marketing Center
Smart, witty, insightful, to the point, no BS candycoating, Ros is someone who you should listen to when it comes to online marketing as she knows it from doing it, not just writing about it.
Jim LilligCPA Expert
Rosalind,Thank you for the awesome webinar that you hosted for us this morning. I feel blessed to be a part of this great community and I look forward to learning all that I can here at ABP. You and your team are an inspiration for us who are just beginning our affiliate marketing careers.SincerelyRaul R.ABP Member
I’ve been reading her columns for some time and find her wisdom and insights to be spot on…
Scott A DennisonCEO Five Talents Ventures, LLC
I was so excited I just had to come and put in a little blip here – actually a congratulatory note.I’ve been working my way through the “content” section of your tutorials and came across the bit in “How to Hire a Ghostwriter” about use of correct grammar, etc.WooooHoooo! What a refreshing concept. I commend you for setting the standard. When it comes to the use or misuse of the English language, I choose the former any day of the week.This is not meant to be a soapbox, just an exhortation / encouragement for us all.There!Brad B.
Dear Rosalind,
Thank you very much for your great work as an affiliate. Your efforts convert verynicely.Our average conversion rate is only about 1-1.5%, but you have reached as high as 6%with your prospects! In fact, I’m very curious about how you do that…Val Danilchuk
Let me say THANK YOU to Ros for creating such a great site.
Cindy W.
Hi Rosalind.I am a new member and I just want to say how grateful I am to you for having such an awesome site to learn from.Troy W.
I tried so many things then decided to do it right. Ros is a great teacher.Bill
Hi Rosalind,Just wanted to drop a note and tell you this book is fantastic. Clear, motivating and written from the heart. It’s one of only two I’ve sent to Kinko’s to have printed and bound, and I’ve read hundreds.Thank you,Allen Says
What does NOT thrill me…
… are ridiculously Expensive Affiliate Training Programs sold by so-called ‘gurus’ who tell you (and 20,000 others) to risk your Hard-Earned Cash Promoting Acai Berry, Diabetes Cures and Weight Loss Programs on Google Adwords using the Same Old Keyword Lists!
That’s just WRONG.
That’s why I’ve turned my book into a multi-media course that SHOWS you step-by-step how to make money as an affiliate marketer.
So, if you’re sick of wasting your money on one-off schemes that don’t work, Join us NOW or keep reading to find out how you can become atruly successful affiliate marketer / money-making blogger.
What is Affiliate Marketing?
Simply put, affiliate marketing is an arrangement between anonline merchant (i.e. Sony) and an affiliate (you), in which the affiliate earns a commission for generating sales, leads and/or clicks for the merchant’s web site.
For example, many credit card companies will pay you between $5 and $20 in commission for each visitor that you send to their site who completes a credit card application, and up to $55 for those whose applications are approved.
Here’s another example.
If you sell this Electric Car offered by Hammacher Schlemmer for a cool $108,000.00,, they will pay you a 10% commission… or $10,800.00!
“Fantastic!”, you say.
You’re absolutely right!
How much you earn depends in part on the products you choose to promote, and through the Affiliate Blogger Pro training program you learn exactly how to find the best affiliate programs.
Brand-Name Merchants Want YOU to Promote Their Products!
Most serious online businesses have an affiliate program andthey all needaffiliates!
Here is a small list of some of the BIG brand-name companies that useaffiliate programsto promote their products online.
There are also programs like Google Adsense and other contextual advertising networks that you can use to make money online as an affiliate marketer too!
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